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setting and activation of environment variables via batch script

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I would like to use relative links for Windowsexplorer. The only way I found was to set and environment variable and then use this variable for the link.

I tried to set the environment variable with the batch command "reg add". This creates/changes the registry entry. But the variable is not yet active.

With the script below the following happens:

Step 1:

"c" will create the variable _test. This can be checked by pressing "r".

If I open a new cmd and enter

"set _test", the variable "_test" results as not defined.

Step 2:

If I open start - settings - control panel - system - advanced - Environment Variables, _test is defined.

If I click "Ok" (or "Edit" - "Ok" - "Ok") and then open a new cmd and enter

"set _test", the variable "_test" is correctly defined.

Now my question:

Does anyone know, how to perform Step 2 automatically without a new login?



Here is the test script:

ECHO This will set an environment variable "_test"
Echo use current drive path © use Server path (s)
Echo open regedit and show variable ®
Echo Abort (a)
set /P eingabe=
if %eingabe% == c goto current
if %eingabe% == s goto server
if %eingabe% == r goto open_regedit
if %eingabe% == a goto ENDE


set temp_current_folder=%CD%
reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment /v _test /d "%temp_current_folder%" /f
rem is there a difference? reg add HKCU\Environment /v _test /d "%temp_current_folder%" /f
ECHO _test has been set to
reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment /v _test



reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment /v _test /d "\\test_server\test_path" /f
ECHO _test has been set to
reg query HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment /v _test


set LastKey="HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment"

set Key=HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Regedit
reg add %Key% /f /v "LastKey" /d %LastKey%
start regedit.exe



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Maybe reading the Help file for the set command will give you some ideas (see attachment).


I had a look on this but I didn't find anything. The set command is always temporary.

Then I decided to try out the Windows XP SP2 Support Tools. (It's not the best solution, because an aditional program is required...)

The solution is:

Use the setx.exe from


I tried this on WinXPx32 and WinXPx64 just by using the setx.exe without installing the support tools. This works fine:

Setting variable _test = "test1"

\\server_with_setx\path_to_setx\setx.ex _test "test1"

or, if setx.exe has been copied to C:\WINNT (on a x32 machine):

setx _test "test1"

Deleting _test:

\\server_with_setx\path_to_setx\setx.exe _test ""


setx _test ""


It's quite interesting:

reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Environment /v _test /d "test1" /f

setx _test2 "test2"

results in both variable beeing available to a new cmd


So far


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