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C++ program to access the microphone?

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I want to build a program that will allow me to quickly mute and un-mute the mic, but I am a newbie programmer and don't know where to start looking for information on how to do this. I want to first start off by making a simple command line app that can accomplish this. Where can I find information on how to access the microphone controls through C++ code?

Here is an example of what I would like it to look like:

Output of the command line:

The mic is muted.
Type 'm' to mute, 'u' to un-mute:

Edit: I have found this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sy...honevolume.aspx But as I said, I am a newbie. I haven't worked with the Windows API before, I don't know which libraries to use or how to use them. If anybody wants to point me to a good tutorial, I would appreciate it.

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You have already done well with your research - finding the MediaCommands information.

Next, just go and try to write the program - this is the best way to learn things.

(I would gladly give you the information you want, but I don't know them. But I have countless times been in the same situation - not knowing how to do something, but trying until I succeeded.)


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