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Run Batch as a Service at Windows startup

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Hi everyone!

I just made a registry entry that runs a .bat file as soon as someone logs into Windows. I made it cause I'm running a Java service that should start everytime the PC starts over from an unexpected shutdown (should be always UP).

I would like to know if it's possible to run that same .bat file at the login screen. Let's say as the same way the Apache Server (in WAMP or AppServ) works: when the PC starts and you're at the login screen, Apache is already running!.

I've looked for this topic, and as far as I understand the way this works, it looks like I need to run such .bat file as a service. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

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A batch file as a service??? What does it do - start your Java service? Then why not just automatically start your Java application as a service?

Yes. I guess you're right: if I'm able to start a service, it would be the Java app.

Still, how do I run the Java app as a service on the Login Screen?

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