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windows batch programming

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Dear all, I need your help please

I have a batch file on windows.

I need to read from a text file a list of file names, the content of the text file is for example filename1;filename2;filename3

Then, i need to verify in a directory that is an input parameter in the script if the physical files which names are listed in the text file (filename1,filename2...)

exist in this directory; and write output to a text file a message indicating if each file is found or not.

The code i wrote but did not return the desired result is:

echo %date%,%time% Generate list of available and unavailable files >.\log.txt

SET /P src_dir="Enter the absolute path for Source Directory where Files are present (including the final \ ): [e.g: .\DATA\RD\]:"
SET /P src_file="Enter the name of file including the list of the names of files (including the extension e.g: .txt):"

ECHO The list of files are in %src_file%
ECHO The physical files are in %src_dir%
FOR /F "delims=;" %%A IN (%src_file%) DO(
set /a COUNTER+=1

IF EXIST %src_dir%%FILENAME% (
ECHO The file you are looking for %FILENAME% has been found in %src_dir%>>.\log.txt
) ELSE (
ECHO The file you are looking for %FILENAME% has not been found in %src_dir%>>.\log.txt

Can someone help me please?

regards to all

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Welcome to the Windows Forum.

The code i wrote did not return the desired result

What was the result that you got?

I see that you have several ECHO commands in it, which of course is great for debugging. Did you get the correct values from the ECHO commands? Can you post the complete output of this script?

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well the log was the following

Sat 03/27/2010,12:51:19.95 Generate list of available and unavailable files for SGBL

The list of SGBL files are in SGBL_FILES_LIST.txt

The physical SGBL files are in D:\Fermat\Scripts_chargement\fermat\Dynamic\Data\SGBL\05102009\

need ur suggestions please

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