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Unable to parse variable length string separated by delimiter

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I have a problem with parsing a string, which consists only of directory path. For ex.

My input string is


Abc\Program Files\sample\


My output should be


Abc//Program Files//sample


The script should work for input path of any length i.e., it can contain any no. of subdirectories. (For ex., abc\temp\sample\folder\joe\)

I have looked for help in many links but to no avail. Looks like FOR command extracts only one whole line or a string (when we use ‘token’ keyword in FOR syntax) but my problem is that I am not aware of the input path length and hence, the no. of tokens.

My idea was to use \ as a delimiter and then extract each word before and after it (\), and put the words to an output file along with // till we reach the end of the string.

I tried implementing the following but it did not work:


@echo off

FOR /F "delims=\" %%x in (orig.txt) do (

IF NOT %%x == "" echo.%%x//>output.txt



The file orig.txt contains only one line i.e, Abc\Program Files\sample\

The output that I get contains only: Abc//

The above output contains blank spaces as well after ‘Abc//’

My desired output should be: Abc//program Files//sample//

Can anyone please help me with this?



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I have got the solution. Here it is:


type nul>output.txt

FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%x in ("orig.txt") do (

set LINE=%%x

call set LINE=%%LINE:\=//%%

call echo:%%LINE%%

) >output.txt




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