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Execute a program remotely even if connection is closed


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Hi All!

I'm quite new to windows and I'm having a hard time finding a solution to a simple problem:

I do some numerical simulations in a server; they are all command line programs so I do not need any type of GUI for executing them, and they save the results to ASCII files.

I would need to run those program from my computer and let them running for weeks, even if my PC is shut down, etc. (It's a laptop that I often close and bring to somewhere else, etc.)

I tried with Telnet but I didn't succeed in leaving the program running after I close the session.

In *Nix there's a program called "screen" with let's you detach the actual command line and reattach it later, so it doesn't matter if the connection is closed (or lost), the program keeps running.

Thanks in advance!

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