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Pwas Vs. Native Apps; Which Of Them Will Be The Future Of Mobile Apps?

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  • 2 months later...

My choice would be PWA, because it can run on any device or OS and can work even when offline. Security features are amazing too since it is based on HTTPS which allows browser-to-server encryption.
The downside is that it has fast battery consumption because PWA requires more CPU usage.

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  • 3 months later...
7 hours ago, Fikl Ojer said:


A progressive web app is better than a native app because it promises faster time to market and reduced cost of development. For businesses who can't spend a lot on native app development for Android & iOS but still want to deliver a mobile experience to their users, PWA provides a viable alternative

Yeah, well there's still room for both kinds of apps, both progressive web apps, and native apps, but PWA's are indeed faster to deploy, as it's a one size fits all type of thing. 😁

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  • 1 month later...
On 3/15/2022 at 3:20 PM, Bradlerobinson said:
Application development has seen an astounding evolution through the years and with the popularity of native apps and a new frontier of progressive apps on the rise, which one to choose for your app development is the question.  

Hello Bradlerobinson,


There are two main types of mobile apps: Native apps and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). Native apps are developed specifically for a particular operating system (OS) and must be downloaded and installed from an app store. PWAs are websites that use modern web technologies to deliver an app-like experience to users. They can be installed on a device like a native app but don't need to be downloaded from an app store. 


So, which of these two types of apps will be the future of mobile apps? There are several reasons why PWAs may eventually replace native apps as the preferred type of mobile app


  1. PWAs are much easier and cheaper to develop than native apps. They can also be updated more quickly and easily without going through the lengthy and expensive process of submitting an update to an app store. 
  2. PWAs offer a better user experience than native apps in many ways. They're faster, more reliable, and work offline. They also offer features like push notifications and home screen icons, making them more like traditional apps
  3. PWAs are more discoverable than native apps. Because they're essentially just websites, they can be found through search engines like Google. As a result, users don't have to go to an app store and search for a specific app; they can just go to Google and type in what they're looking for.
  4. PWAs are more accessible than native apps.


PWAs have many of the same features as native apps but are not limited by platform. So, which is better? Native apps or PWAs? The answer is that it depends on your needs and preferences. If you need access to all of the features of a particular platform, then a native app is probably your best bet. If you want your app to work on any platform and don't need access to all the native features, then a PWA might be a better choice.


Thus, I hope the information above helps you to understand the difference between PWAs Vs. Native Apps and help you clarify which platform will be the Future Of Mobile Apps.




Rex M

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