Hi all, I am building my own PC for the first time. I thought I would save money by purchasing Windows 8 through my school. On the Software download page, Windows 8 is listed for $19.75, quite a bargain. However, now that I look more closely (only when I clock on the product and look for product details) I realize that this is only an UPGRADE, not the full OS. Therefore I need a Windows OS already installed in order to make use of the product (something that is not included in their "System Requirements". Anyway, the point is, I am wondering if I can boot up my new computer with something like Windows Vista or Windows 7 from a flash drive and then download the Windows 8 Upgrade to my hard drive and go from there. If so, can I use an old product key for one of those operating systems? I think we have a disk for Windows Vista and the computer which we installed it to is no longer in use. Can anyone think of a better work-around? Even if I have to buy Vista (~$50 these days I think) and then buy the $20 upgrade, it would be less than the full price of Windows 8 which is probably between $150 and $200. This seems like a pretty big oversight overall because I could not even find the full version of Windows 8 on the microsoft website, and even the customer service person I talked to didn't know how I would purchase it through their site. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. -Ryan