I'm very new to this forum, so if this question has been posted elsewhere then I'd like to apologise in advance for that.
I am currently running Windows 7 Ultimate edition on my 7-year-old laptop and have been since Windows 7 was the newest kid on the Microsoft block. It was a much-needed replacement for the frankly-awful Windows Vista that my laptop came supplied with. When I heard that Microsoft were offering a free upgrade to Windows 10 I jumped at the chance, but on reflection have decided that my ageing laptop is probably not going to play very well with the new OS.
I've managed to get rid of the pop-up that kept appearing, inviting me to download Windows 10. However, my Windows Update seems to be absolutely hell-bent on downloading the upgrade to Windows 10, which I'm concerned is blocking other essential updates from coming through.
Can anyone tell me if there's a way of stopping the deployment of Windows 10 via Windows Update so that I can get any other updates that might be pending? I'm prepared to edit the registry if I need to (although I'd prefer to have full guidance on doing so). If I need to, I'll wipe the laptop and reinstall Windows 7 from clean but I'd like to avoid having to do that unless I really need to.
Thanks in advance and anticipation.