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Setting up an Ubuntu Server


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Before we begin, I suggest using Ubuntu as a server only at home, due to it's youth. I would not advise using it as a "live server" serving on the internet.

The idea that I used this for was remote backup of important files. For security reasons I forwarded no ports, and kept the running services to a minimum. I did NOT install SSH, although it is up to you if you want remote access. Be sure to read up on SSH security before doing this, though.

If you are setting up a "live server" for webpages or files on the internet, I suggest using Debian (what Ubuntu is based on) or FreeBSD (not Linux, but BSD).


My recommended minimum specs:


Pentium 133 or above (you're going to struggle with a 133, but you can use it)

1gig HD

My recommended specs (if this is an old machine you once used):

Pentium 3

64mb RAM +

10gig HD

Boot from the ubuntu CD. When you reach the logo and command prompt, type "server" without quotes and press enter. Let it do it's thing.

Go through the installation using the entire drive. Ubuntu makes this very easy.

First reboot

Login as the user you created during setup. Make sure you have a network connection by doing:

ping -c 3

or whatever your gateway router is called.

If you are familiar with the command line, you can run it just like it is. If this is you, skip this section.


sudo apt-get install xfce4

It will start to download and isntall xfce, a very lightweight but very useable window manager. When it's complete, you will be back to a useable command prompt.

Type "sudo nano -w /home/yourusername/.xinitrc" without the quotes.

Type "exec startxfce" without the quotes into the file.

Press Ctrl + X

Press Enter

Press Y

Type :

sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg

Wait till it's done.

Then type:

sudo apt-get install x-window-system

Wait till it's done.



Log back in again.

Type "startx" without quotes.

If all goes well the desktop should load. If you get errors, search google for them, after typing "xorgconfig" and going through the wizard.


sudo apt-get install samba

sudo nano -w /etc/samba/smb.conf

Find "workgroup = " and edit it to reflect your workgroup name.

Ctrl + X



type :

sudo smbpasswd -a yourusername

set a password.

From another box, browse the workgroup. Click on the Ubuntu box and login with your username and the password just set.

Bingo you should see the shared directories :D

Will be adding more soooon :P

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