Hey there! I just bought Medal Of Honor 2010 from my local game store. It install smothly then finished smoothly. But when i tried to open the game (moh.exe), the game does not appear but appear this error!: General protection fault! History:GEvent::TryAcuireCancel() Adress = 0x7 a0385 (filename not found)[in D:/'my hard disk/medal of honor 2010/medal of honor/binaries/moh.exe] bla bla bla..and so on..to many to type. Well the main problem is 'GENERAL PROTECTION FAULT' That was the main problem and error. I hope there are some kind and very honest human and NO MORE MICROSOFT/WINDOWS SCAM in this forum when helping someone to solved his problem. We are windows user, and we are the microsoft supporter, thats mean we all must teamworks to find and fix something that our 'windows friend' proble. Well guys, how to fix that GPF problem?