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Found 5 results

  1. Heya folks! First time on this forum, hope you all can help me out here. I recently upgraded both my PC to Windows 8 Pro (64bit). Now before I did this I copied a lot of files to an external HDD. It is a 1TB disk in a Rocketfish USB 3.0 enclosure. Now before I did this upgrade this drive was working fine. After the installations were done I noticed that my main PC was freezing up alot. At first I thought I had done something by updating the BIOS, but I noticed I started having the same issues when I connected the drive to my laptop as well. Here is the issue, basically the drive will mount and I can oped the root of it. I can see all the files, but if I try to open and files/folders it freezes up Windows Explorer and I usually have to reboot the PC as nothing will respond. I tried connecting it to my iMac with similar results. I ran a Check Disk on it and it found no errors. I am at a loss, I would really like to recover this drive as it is almost entirely filled with data (930GB out of 1TB). Any help is appreciated! And thanks in advance.
  2. I installed Windows 8 Pro on my computer. I have a second hard drive that I keep all my files. When I was using Win7 and Win Xp, I had no issues but now the hard drive does not show up on my computer. Is there any reason why this is happening? Below are some screenshots , Any suggestion ?
  3. Hello. This is my first forum post, I hope that I can make my problem as clear as possible! I still have a 2003 windows desktop. (yah I know....) but it's been a great computer. A few months ago it started "crashing" and an orange and green light appeared on the hard drive. Not blinking. The only way to "wake it up" was to unplug the computer or turn it off by holding down the power button. At first I thought it was going into some "hibernation" state. But I read a lot about hibernation for windows and nothing added up. Just recently my windows won't even turn on. It goes to the page where the safe mode feature is. I've tried all the modes you can run it in, but nothing works. Anyone got any ideas? Also, is there a way that I can copy all the memory from my hard drive onto an external hard drive through the boot menu? (since I can't go beyond that) I would appreciate anyone's help! Thanks! Shelby
  4. A few days ago start the computer appeared notice that need to check the drive D: and warmly recommended to do that. From 8:00 to 7:00 or 8:00 black screen reviewed by the thousands of files as are not readable. I have copied all the files on external hard drive and D: drive formating through Computer Management. This morning D: drive disappeared but after restart computer again appeared. What could have happened? Do I have to start thinking about purchasing a new drive?Is the condition of the disc can somehow determine? Thank you!
  5. Hello there, this is getting very frustrating. I'm in the process of organising itunes files and listening to stuff which are stored on my external hard drive. I havn't used it for a while. My PC keeps disconnecting from it and then re connecting which means that my itunes keeps forgetting where all the music is stored. It's driving me mad. I don't think its the hard drive itself because I've noticed things like this happen before, for example with my phone and usb memory sticks etc. I think the problem is with my USB ports. Does anyone know anything I can do to fix this problem before I go completely mad? Thank you!
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