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Found 4 results

  1. Hi all, I am building my own PC for the first time. I thought I would save money by purchasing Windows 8 through my school. On the Software download page, Windows 8 is listed for $19.75, quite a bargain. However, now that I look more closely (only when I clock on the product and look for product details) I realize that this is only an UPGRADE, not the full OS. Therefore I need a Windows OS already installed in order to make use of the product (something that is not included in their "System Requirements". Anyway, the point is, I am wondering if I can boot up my new computer with something like Windows Vista or Windows 7 from a flash drive and then download the Windows 8 Upgrade to my hard drive and go from there. If so, can I use an old product key for one of those operating systems? I think we have a disk for Windows Vista and the computer which we installed it to is no longer in use. Can anyone think of a better work-around? Even if I have to buy Vista (~$50 these days I think) and then buy the $20 upgrade, it would be less than the full price of Windows 8 which is probably between $150 and $200. This seems like a pretty big oversight overall because I could not even find the full version of Windows 8 on the microsoft website, and even the customer service person I talked to didn't know how I would purchase it through their site. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. -Ryan
  2. Hey, I'm trying to recover the OS from a desktop hard drive. I've got a Windows 7 version that runs just fine, but I'm trying to recover a hard drive with Vista on it. I've gone through the normal recovery options (Start Up Repair, System Restore, chkdsk etc) and haven't had any luck. Unfortunately, I don't have the install disks, so what I'd like to try to do is create these (for Windows Vista) from within Windows 7. Is this something that's possible, or am I wasting my time? Thanks in advance.
  3. I plan on making some announcements during an event we are holding and have a microphone with a USB connecter so it can connect into the USB port of my laptop. However i cannot figure out a way to output whatever is being spoken into the microphone simultaneously through the speakers we have connected in the audio output jack of the laptop so that everyone can hear. Any software or settings that would allow me to do this? Urgent help is required the event is tomorrow. Thanks, Details: Operating System: Windows Vista
  4. Hello, I've switch my main applications (email client + browser) themes to dark themes and I'd really like to do the same for the OS, Windows Vista. For Windows style, I'm stuck in 95, very plain ; I didn't like XP blue&green and I don't like the 3D&translucence of Aero ; the only theme I prefer over Windows 95 one is Gnome. I've tried a few themes from DeviantArt but none seemed functional. I thought it may have been because I tweaked my services (as all recent Windows installations) and realized Themes was set to manual so started it but the Theme settings panel would still not function on the downloaded ones ; the only disabled services on this installation are Dnscache, NetTcpPortSharing, RemoteAccess, SSDPSRV, WerSvc & Mcx2Svc and some other services were switched from automatic from manual. So in essence, I want a Vista theme for Windows Classic and I won't turn 3D nor translucence for any reason. Thank you kindly Hmm! I can't seem to find an option for subscription or notification. I'd like to get an email if someone reply. Ah! It was: Follow this topic. Not so obvious.
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