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I require to disable access to certain fields like Printer Properties button and number of copies option in print dialog of Windows Xp/ 7, through windows registry option. Please help me! With thanks and regards, Mukul
I want to browse one backup .reg file, so what SW I can use to open it without actually importing it to the OS? I know for example wordpad, or some other text editor can do that but there are two problems: 1) the reg file is so huge so navigating is really slow 2) I want to see the file structurally, just like how it is showed in regedit, i.e., it should show the parent-child structure of the keys, instead of displaying something like HKLM\XX\XX\PARENTKEY\SUBKEY\VALUE in every line. Thanks!
Hello Windows Forum! Q: Does anybody know of a way to keep certain dialogue box settings the same? The original problem I was having was changing the paper from A4 to A3 every time I needed to print a drawing in the office I work in. This problem I was able to solve by changing the settings in the printer driver. However I often come across small changes that I'm making hundred of times a day and I'd love to learn how to get them to stick. For example, when I select 'File'>'Save As' in Word I'd like to keep the 'Save as type:' as *.doc instead of *.docx. My fairly limited knowledge leads to to believe that each of these settings is called up from within the registry, so is it just a matter of finding a way to determine the registry key/string/binary and change the value or am I going in the wrong direction? Regards, Alexander Dunnett
I'm going to be doing a science fair project in which I test the effectiveness of various windows registry cleaners on improving a computer's performance. Since I'm using a computer that's about seven years old and has experienced a TON of use, I expect to be able to see the effect of the cleaners pretty easily. Anyway, the reason I've come to this forum to talk about this is this: I don't know what aspect of the computer's performance is actually altered by the cleaners, other than the fact that they will fix errors in the registry. Will I see a change in the amount of processes/cpu usage? The physical memory? The kernel memory? I understand that in asking this question I will look like a computer noob, which I am for the most part. But I don't really care, I just need to know the answer so I can create a hypothesis and begin my project. Please answer soon! -Onyk