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I went into Swindon yesterday and saw two tax cameras (gatzos) with covers on and written on the covers not in use, we all know that all the cameras are not always active but are supposed to slow you down for twenty or thirty yards (or the equivalent in meters if your not English) so why cover them and let everyone know, are they trying to get more people into Swindon faster. These two cameras are not in dangerous places.

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There is a very simple explanation.

You will no doubt have seen an excess of cones at roadworks sites, particularly on motorways, when the cones are almost touching each other, for sometimes a mile or more. You think, "What a waste of cones!!"

Well it is a similar thing.

All the surplus cones are not doing anything other than getting acclimatised, they are getting used to traffic at close quarters.

Well I suspect those cameras you saw are just on a training exercise.It may be a probationary period during which, if they flinch or actually back away from the traffic,they will simply be rejected as not HARD enough.

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There is a very simple explanation.

You will no doubt have seen an excess of cones at roadworks sites, particularly on motorways, when the cones are almost touching each other, for sometimes a mile or more. You think, "What a waste of cones!!"

Well it is a similar thing.

All the surplus cones are not doing anything other than getting acclimatised, they are getting used to traffic at close quarters.

Well I suspect those cameras you saw are just on a training exercise.It may be a probationary period during which, if they flinch or actually back away from the traffic,they will simply be rejected as not HARD enough.

Sounds plausible. :lol: :lol:

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