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Want to learn a computer programming language?


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I'm always seeing posts on forums (not usually this one but others a lot more) and am always being asked by friends if I know of good websites/ebooks to help learning a programming language and I thought I would share this - I know this isn't exactly a tutorial and it's an easy task to Google this but it may be a useful thing so it can be later referred to when questioned (?).

Not all languages are covered in this - only ones I've used/searched for.

So I'll start with the Windows-based ones and then move on to the cross-platform languages.

The online tutorials at www.homeandlearn.co.uk, I would always recommend because the dude who wrote them explains this in such an easily understandable way, gives you, at the end of the modules, tasks which you can do to practice what you have learnt and this guy's tutorials are the best I've come across on the Internet.

Batch/MS-DOS; (Windows only):

Batch Tutorial

Visual Basic .NET:

Home & Learn - VB .NET

Visual C# .NET; ( pronounced as C sharp by the way):

Home & Learn - Visual C# .NET




Beginner's Guide - wiki

ActivePython | Python 2.5 | with exercises

ActivePython | Python 2.6 | with exercises

ActivePython | Python 3.1 | with exercises


Sun Microsystem's tutorial


C++ online


Entire Pascal Language tutorial

Bash; (Linux only):

Basch Scripting Tutorial

Web Design:

Home & Learn - Web Design


Home & Learn - PHP

For Linux users who are wanting to download a tutorial...

Use the wget command from the terminal to download a tutorial with the following syntax.

wget -r http://www.example.com/

This will save the URL in a folder on your desktop named as the website. (e.g, docs.activestate.com)

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I forgot to add this until now when I just found the application again.

For those of you Windows programmers using the Visual Studio suite for your .NET languages, there is also a Linux alternative called MonoDevelop.

To get this, you can download it from the subversion repository, providing you have the Subversion package by typing

svn co svn://anonsvn.mono-project.com/source/trunk/monodevelop

or apt-get install monodevelop from the terminal or you can download it from the MonoDevelop Download page.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Could a mod or someone kindly spend a minute or so of their time to edit the original post of this thread for me please? :flowers:

Just wanted to add the following

Add to the Python lines:

ActivePython | Python 2.5 | with exercises

ActivePython | Python 2.6 | with exercises

ActivePython | Python 3.1 | with exercises

...and also added to the bottom of the post:

For Linux users who are wanting to download a tutorial...

Use the wget command from the terminal to download a tutorial with the following syntax.

wget -r http://www.example.com

This will save the URL in a folder on your desktop named as the website. (e.g, docs.activestate.com)


The Python tutorials are probably better than the Python official documentation and the Linux terminal command is a lot more handy for the people who are wanting to quickly download the tutorial so they don't have to learn the programming language whilst on the Internet and do it in their spare time or when they are away or something.

Thanks. :)

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  • 1 year later...
I want to learn a computer programming languages like as C++, java, HTML,

Web Design and come to a new advanced programming

Of course you do Matan. and so do I.

We have another trait in common you and I. :friends: - We both like to be the centre of attention.

We like the spotlight. We want to force ourselves into people's lives whether they want it or not.

We need a platform. - and only a centre stage platform is good enough for us. :)

I personally just had to be the first person in our village to have the only four-wheel-drive ** Reliant Robin ** , - just to be noticed ! - Can you believe that ? !!!!!

Self-promoting or what dear ? :lol:

I sing in a choir, and try damn hard to upstage other members so that the audience hear "ME".

Even the dearly loved "Gay" community describes me as "Over-Waspish"

The point is Matan that you have to bring yourself to a level where you can be fully self-deprecating to win through.

If you wish to be centre stage, You are going to have to, - Give, Give ,Give, to the audience, -

-and find yourself a better script writer girlfriend.

I honestly think that honey lips. :wub:

If you want to be centre stage ? - You've got to be able to give something back to the audience, otherwise they lose focus, and you will end up as a total loser deary. :(

That "Something Back" can often be interpreted by other readers as "Education."

(Funny old world isn't it dear ?)

Programming ? - You could do no better than follow

** Malan ** who we featured here on the forum earlier, or go

** HERE**

We all love you.

Time to come out of the closet, claim centre stage, and show what you can give to the community dear.

John. :flowers:

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