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Any password gets me in... please help change


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Hi, just joined the forum and am looking for some help on a topic of difficulty.

My son likes to game A LOT on the computer so I let him on to play occasionally. However when I put a password on the computer to prevent him from playing, he found a way to make it so that ANY password would work to get in. he had me fooled for a year and has probably been playing all the time while im gone. I dont want him wasting his life away so I need some help removing this 'app' or whatever it is that lets him on.

A little background on the program:

It will give you access to the computer no matter what you type in (i even tried password for poops and gigs and it still let me in)

I cant change the password through the parental controls

everytime I try to make a new password, I get 'Windows cannot set the new password'

Is there someway to restore the computer to normal security? and is there anyway to permanently remove this program (im convinced its a startup program)?

Any help is much appreciated!


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Big problem here. Just about whatever you do to get the machine going again to your satisfaction will most likely be very quickly over-ridden by a similar "app" (what a dreadful pseudo-word that is) and, in the extreme, the computer may be rigged so that only your son is able to access it.

Not wishing to seem like a psychologist, I think a lot of this problem is associated with your attitude, perhaps even your whole relationship, with your son.

Remember that children know a lot more about computers than you or I can ever know and they will always be at least one step ahead of anything that we may want to do to prevent their free access to whatever they want to view.

Perhaps a cooperative word or so with your son and his computer use may help.

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