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religion and bush

Guest ellas

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The geneva convention is not as sacrosanct as it used to be for the US.........The Afghan prisoners are being held illegally if the prison was on US soil.....Cuba never signed....

maybe this doesn't matter either..................................

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Guest ellas

sorry tankus its beyond me,I'm at my limit trying to control he he so I will have to leave this to the politicians and hope they no what the hell there doing. :(

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"Arab News, Jeddah

Twenty years ago, the Israeli army rolled into Beirut, promising their people liberation from the PLO threat, and their Lebanese allies victory in the raging civil war. In the event, none of the promises made were kept ... The Israelis stayed long enough to mastermind the Sabra and Shatila massacre. They expelled Arafat and forced the Lebanese to sign a separate treaty with them.

In the end, they achieved nothing more than littering the streets of that beautiful city with dead, mutilated, and severely scarred humanity. Today, Baghdad becomes the second Arab capital to be "occupied" by its "liberators". When I watch what is going on, I have flashbacks to those long gone days. The uniforms are exactly the same, the armaments are identical, the declared aims are a carbon copy of each other: security, liberty, peace, independence.

The Israelis wanted to "liberate" the Lebanese from the Palestinians and the Syrians. The Americans had the Ba'ath in their sights. The Israelis wanted to bring security to their northern border; the Americans want to bring security to their homeland from weapons of mass destruction. "

· Dr Mohammad al-Rasheed"

A thought provoking viewpoint !

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Guest purrfectlillady2000

Ok Tankus.....Thanx for the history lesson.........So what do we do now then?......Do we leave it to the experts......or maybe you think they dont know the history too!!......Do we leave the likes of Osama and Saddam to get on with it??......Or do some people with some power at least try and sort things out?......Big problem trying to sort the whole lot out dont you think?.....The Turks and the Kurds alone is a hard one.I for one dont have a solution...But at least some people have made a start.I hope to God most of us are proud of that.

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Defiantly a big problem........................but I cannot help the feeling ...that Iraq is really a side issue pushed to the front because it suits the US agenda for that region........we somehow jumped on board..........

The core problem in that area is Israel, propped up by the US..............................Im not sure ,but I think that they have broken more UN resolutions than any other country......and all that happens is that the US gives them more military equipment............

No modern day president would get elected without the backing of the US jewish lobby and their deep pockets........they reach the "white"house with a viewpoint of looking after their supporters..............

If they had a more even handed foreign policy,,,the charge of hypocrisy might be banded about less......

The horror of 9/11 certainly woke up the US attitude to global terrorism, They have now gone from using the UN and diplomatic means to limiting state sponsored terrorism against the US, to the out and out assassination of the heads of those states ..... with the legality of their actions becoming less of a issue......look at the Afghan prisoners.......in full view of the worlds press.......

...................................because who is left to reign them in.......?

.....?one such fall out in the UK favour was the re appraisal of the IRA and what they actually stood for ...........the funds and guns started to dry up somewhat........and even hereditary Irish NY cops stopped wearing their badges of support...It may have been one of the main motivations for Gerry Adams to come to the Table......Less glad handing US prezes (Clinton) at the whitehouse....I think George would be less inclined to do so....However it is Texan oil money behind Bush...And unlike Clinton he not so dependant on the Irish /American vote/money......

More people died then , than at Pearl Harbour.......which entered the US into the second world war......a Japanese admiral at the time stated "that we have not struck a decisive blow....I fear that all we have done is awoken a sleeping giant...!"

Similar thought,s going around some middle eastern states that have lent support to terrorists in the past, I would think ,after seeing the rapid collapse by the US and British troops, of a fairly well-equipped and experienced army by middle eastern standards........................

Afganistan.....Iraq.....Syria ?(In a year or twos time in order to rebuild up the munitions reserve)

Get better with practice.........except somewhere along the line somebody will press the button.......then what?......how would thier own army stand up the the US,s technological superiority.....sunny time's ahead for arms dealers methinks..................................

I'm not sure what the answer is too .......but I feel a deep sense of unease of the path our political leaders have chosen to follow...................I just don't feel confident or proud that it is the right one......

We definitely do have the best soldiers in the world.......but I don't think that they are matched by our politician's.........(the people in charge of military procurements should be in jail....)

My opinions not worth *beep* to anyone other than myself...........Looking back at the earlier posts I read like a condescending old fart (OMG maybe I am) ...but it was late m'lurd........

I just watch the news ...and feel very uneasy........!

No disrespect to you in the slightest purrfectlillady2000.................................

...................................maybe I just wish I had your confidence in whats happening is right ?.................

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Guest Nellie2

Tankus......you obviously know what you are talking about here and I wouldn't say that your opinion is worth *beep*. I wouldn't even try to enter into this debate because I do not know enough about the political and humanitarian situations here to be able to have a valid opinion.

But......I am curious.....what would your solution be? Or at least.......where would you start??

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You have to start with Israel...while it sits there totally unmoved over all the UN sanctions raised against it.....and continued US military support...the middle east is always going to remain an open sore .......

My opinion.....for what little its worth.......frankly when the bits on the news about Arafat, or another outrage happening again on the news in an another Israeli bus stop/party/café ...I used to turn the channel over with a loud yawn................. generally thinking that Israeli's were all hard done by and doing their very best to survive ..surrounded by very hostile countries.....................maybe opinions tend to be predisposed towards them after learning what happened during world war 2's holocaust when we were young...............................

I think its was while watching the news when my opinion of them became less positive..........a few years ago.........four soldiers were standing around a very frighted Young Palestinian knelling on the floor (submachine-gun stuck in the back of his head)........they made him hold out his arm ,one soldier picked up a stone and repeatedly beat his elbow for what seemed like several minuets until it broke.(They did not know that they were being filmed by a tv crew!)

A small event ....and considering the number who have been blown up, shot, knifed , or god knows what ,before and after ,relatively trivial......but it was the look of total fear while holding his arm out to be broken......

If UN resolutions mean so much.....(thats what the US used as a pretext for going into Iraq)

Then the ones on Israel must be made to be seen equally valid...the fortified settlements on the west bank should be removed..............

And the restrictions that they place on the Palestinians preventing them just earning a living should be lifted.................................

Thing is unless the US has a more even handed approach to the middle east ...and really wants to get on this"road to peace". Israel ain't going to do squat, and the UN just shows how toothless it can be...............{as if it hasn't already} !

Whats going to change the US's way of thinking ?.........

Its all a pig in a poke.....but were right at the beginning of something thats going to get a lot worse ?

I dunno.............................

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Guest Nellie2

What I want to know is............why can't people just live peacefully together what ever their religion or political beliefs? I know I am probably living in cloud cukoo land here.....but why?

Why can't the palestinians earn a living in Israeli areas? why do we have to have labels? It only serves to split humanity into different groups anyway and to encourage predjudice.

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