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The Hutton Enquiry.


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Well according to the Channel 4 news tonight ...B'liar was right in the thick of it , in formulating a plan over how Dr Kelly was going to be managed in the medias glare...

The we have a tax payer , paid for spinner stating that the government were playing a game of chicken with the BBC ,and that it was a question of who would blink first........

Morality , truth , ....bastards all...what does tone care , as long as he looks good on tv, and his wiflet can still get her freebie's ....!

I have ceased to care just how far into the depths of depravity this disgraceful government will sink to ....Otherwise I would have been posting hourly on this appalling travesty..........

Kelly . BBC . Who said what to whom...is all a total bollax...It is a side issue from what is the real issue is.......For our Tone, who has agreed that one man must be assassinated because it fits in with the strategic needs of the US foreign policy in the middle east , we have , in our name, butchered countless Iranian families........ ( who were are supposedly saving ) to achieve this aim....... British troops have died , and are continuing to die........

Living conditions have got worse for the av Iraqi civilian, as the US are still squabbling over who are going to get the contracts , and some companies are backing out because they do not (understandably) want to send their employees into a war zone.......(but the war is over according to Dubya)

Bad planning , bad UK strategy (not necessarily bad US as it depends on what their long term plans are in relation to a fixed US presence in the area and how much that they are prepared to pay (in terms of lives) to keep it )

A pig in a poke............................................................................


All for our tone's need to " feel the hand of history " on his shoulder......And his egotistical need to look like the "big player" on the worlds stage....(Policies at home are a total $&*@ up but it requires ability and competence to sort them out....!)

The man is a total and utter disgrace who is morally not fit to run a brothel let alone a government.........

I'm starting to steam...so Ill shut up .....

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Bad planning , bad UK strategy (not necessarily bad US as it depends on what their long term plans are in relation to a fixed US presence in the area and how much that they are prepared to pay (in terms of lives) to keep it )

long term plans. Hmmm let me think about that. How long are the Oil reserves expected to last???

Mr. M.

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Its just not Iraq 's oil though is it..........

Its becoming politically unsafe for the Saudi " royal" family to allow the US to remain in their boarders (Mecca defiled by satan in the eyes of the radical) ..

Kuaits a possibility, but the countrys past its peak in oil production and is looking for tourism in the long run to fund its economy...not a safe bet....plus the bases will be fairly close together ans strategically unsound ..... Plus its not in the centre of where is happening ...( toward the Med.)

Turkey have been upping the price for the US bases there , but it has become less important as the big bear has gone to sleep.....and the listening posts are not as strategically important as they once were during the cold war . Plus a lot of US military noses were put out of joint when they initially denied US access to the bases as a jumping of point for the attack on Northern Iraq , but the Turkish government.....

Northern Iraq s probably ideal....the oil and Reconstruction is a good bonus....

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i think that the two topics are now becoming very intermingled....

1. The needless death of Dr Kelly

2. Did we really need to go into iraq?

1. The government should fall over this but it won't, the spin will keep spinning, one or two lowly ministers may go but no one significant will pay the price that is deserved. Andrew Gilligan should be sacked and never allowed to work in journalism again for his part, people seem to be forgetting that a man has died, and for what?

2. Yes......if not for the reasons claimed. Sadaam was/is an EVIL man and his deposing is the best thing to happen to iraq in 50 years.

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ok back to the topic in hand :)

anyone here believe he may NOT have taken his own life? I know these type of conspiracy theories are a bit 'way out there' at times, but.........

It iseems quite clear that he was a very' loving family man and father' - yet he left no note to his family?

Would a 'loving family man and father' choose to kill himself in a spot frequently used by young children.

Wouldn't suicide negate any life insurance policies he may have had? Again, not very family minded if that is the case.

Wouldn't such a man have access to chemicals (and the know-how) that would have made his suicide far less painfull than hacking his wrist open?

:unsure: <_<

1. The government should fall over this but it won't, the spin will keep spinning, one or two lowly ministers may go but no one significant will pay the price that is deserved. Andrew Gilligan should be sacked and never allowed to work in journalism again for his part, people seem to be forgetting that a man has died, and for what?

You think Hoon is a junior minister? He seems favourite to get it in the neck :P

Send Gilligan to report in Iraq - some yank kid is sure to shoot him within a week or two :D

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Would a 'loving family man and father' choose to kill himself in a spot frequently used by young children.

would any person thinking rationally even contemplate suicide? Sometimes even the most intelligent people are driven to do uncharacteristic things by events beyond their control.....

i think that instead of inventing conspiracy theories people should concentrate on finding the real truth behind these tragic events.

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Kelly and Gilligan are a side issue.....not the main deal...Its a pity that we are not putting as much governmental time and effort into the policing and delegation of Iraq , and getting out troops out.........

More British troops killed today , Tone will never wash his hands clean , not that he cares , his image is more important to him....

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Guest Shirley_Crabtree

Hey Tankus I'll assume you are a Tory judging by your take on recent events..How would I.D.S. have handled the Iraq issue differently??

Just wondered.

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Guest Shirley_Crabtree

Do you not agree that something had to be done in Iraq??

Saddam has an incredible amount of blood on his hands and we should just sit and watch???

Loss of life of our troups is terrible...but if Saddam had been allowed to carry on unopposed he would have eventually been a world threat!!

Politics Shmolitics...This is about survival and common sense!!

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I did answer the question , I think that he probably would have sided with Bush as well......

As to something being done........

Blix should have been given more time , and then gone through the UN . If it had stayed with the UN eventually the USSR ,French and German,s would have come onside............There would have been some semblance of legality about his removal......

What was the rush....?

Saddam has an incredible amount of blood on his hands and we should just sit and watch

How many men women and children do you think that B'liar and Bush have killed...? Their hand's are not to clean either.....

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Although he is/was clearly a monster and GWB knew he had WMD's (Bush still has the sales receipts) it is hard to justify this attack for the reasons given by our governments.

Why Iraq and not other potentially 'world peace threatening' states that have WMD's? India/Pakistan - North Korea - Israel.

If it was because of UN resolutions, check out those still outstanding re: Turkeys invasion of Cyprus - very similar resolutions.

Human rights violations? China - most African and Mid-East countries. I think you'll even find that the USA is in the top 5 countries for the number of of its own people who are executed annually by the state.

I no longer believe we invaded because of anything other than inept politics. Simply put, GWB talked himself into a corner when he tried to call Saddams bluff.

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I no longer believe we invaded because of anything other than inept politics. Simply put, GWB talked himself into a corner when he tried to call Saddam's bluff.

Not to sure about that Sir T.....?

I think that the US has a strategic need to go into Iraq....Saddam provided an excuse.....!

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  • 4 months later...

Dug this up as Huttons report will be due soon........

But this is very Gobbels

THE Secret Intelligence Service has run an operation to gain public support for sanctions and the use of military force in Iraq. The government yesterday confirmed that MI6 had organised Operation Mass Appeal, a campaign to plant stories in the media about Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction.

The revelation will create embarrassing questions for Tony Blair in the run-up to the publication of the report by Lord Hutton into the circumstances surrounding the death of Dr David Kelly, the government weapons expert.

Sunday Times

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Guardian

Lord Hutton has delayed publication of his long-awaited report on the events leading to the death of David Kelly because he has yet to apportion final blame on the central figures in the drama, the Guardian learned last night.

What ....no obvious choice ....?

Maybe the reports going to have be nailed down to the desk to stop it from spinning ...!

Now due at the end of Jan

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  • 2 weeks later...

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