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How many cows ?


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I imagine he will be using twice as  much fuel as the rest of the days motor cyclists.


As a lifelong motor cyclist myself I would have hung up my bike and leathers if I started looking anything like this lump of lard.

Well I think management would have brought the matter up before I reached anywhere near this chap's rolly-polyness..

I wish this picture had not been printed, I have gone all sad..


We had a six berth Talbert and  used to set off from Plymouth, on the years first  "ferry", to St. Malo, and then work our way gently South to Barcares.

We always used the same site, due to its being quite near the sea and a river, passing by on its way to get lost in the sea.


The place was superb for a chap and chapess to go motorcycling every day if desired.. Wind and rain were virtually unknown, and the food was excellent. One of the splendid things was that for the  the first week or so the local supermarket was selling off the Christnas left over meats and other leftovers at virtually give away prices...........


Sorry if I am boring.  I could go on for ever about it .

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I should point out that if the bike is over your head you're doing something wrong as it should be under your bum. Having it over the head implies you're carrying it, which appears counter productive.


Just a thought, if cranially mounted motorcycles are your thing far be it from me to criticise.

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15 hours ago, Belatucadrus said:

I should point out that if the bike is over your head you're doing something wrong as it should be under your bum. Having it over the head implies you're carrying it, which appears counter productive.


Just a thought, if cranially mounted motorcycles are your thing far be it from me to criticise.


That's why I don't ride a motor bike very well, and why I have never been attracted to owning one.:hi:

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