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Religious trouble again


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If the court says they are acting on behalf of the Muslim religion they are wrong. It is sheer lunacy. Nothing religious about it.

The same goes with their terrorists who say their acts are founded in the Muslim religion. Baloney. Just another group of lunatics trying to use religion as an excuse.

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If the court says they are acting on behalf of the Muslim religion they are wrong. It is sheer lunacy. Nothing religious about it.

The same goes with their terrorists who say their acts are founded in the Muslim religion. Baloney. Just another group of lunatics trying to use religion as an excuse.

Hear hear! Muslim is truly a very peaceful religion. The prejudice(s) they [muslims] experience on behalf of the "bad apples" that just happen to be associated with it are unjustified and, unfortunately, blown out of proportion.

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No, at least it keeps some people on the straight and narrow, also religion dose not cause the trouble as as been said most religions preach peace.

They may preach it, but few practise it. Witness the crusades with thousands of Christians going to Europe to kill Muslims, and witness the Muslim invasion of most of Southern Europe. Witness Christian against Christian in Northern Ireland. Witness Muslims and Jews fighting each other. Witness the slaughter of Muslims by Christians in the old Yugoslavia. Witness Hindus and Muslims fighting on the Indian continent. Witness one type of Muslim fighting another type of Muslim in the Middle East. Witness the middle ages and the inquisition in the name of Christianity. There are probably dozens of other example that someone else will point out. More wars and strife have been caused in the name of religion than any other cause.

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They may preach it, but few practise it.

That is quite a broad brush you are painting with andsome. :lol:

I disagree entirely. Folks may not go to Church on a regular basis but as Rong previously stated most follow most of the 10 commandments, even those who do not believe in religion.

Wars will always happen......religion or no religion.

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There are lunatics and fanatics in all religious (and political) groups. To say they represent or speak for their religion is wrong.

I agree 100%

The fact remains that if there were NO religions, the world would in all probability be a far better place.

The fact also remains that if everyone followed the teachings of their particular religion the world would be a much better place. :(

I'm a bit sick of people knocking religion all the time.

People will blame anyone or anything BUT themselves.

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As I have said before, if you believe in a God, by whatever name, that God is within you. People should not go round slaughtering those who call their God by a different name. Buildings and men in funny hats and frocks do not make that God any more real. As long as there is religion, then some idiots will go round blowing up those who differ in what they call their God, and the building that they practise that religion in. I am not claiming that all religious people do this, but how can people believe in one God, and think that millions of people who call that one God by a different name, or have men in different looking frocks preaching to them, are wrong and they are right. Most of the slaughter going on in recent times is done in the NAME of religion.

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In all honesty, I don't think that my views are any more blinkered than those who claim that their religion is the only right one. As I have said, I have no problem with a God or a Devil within each and every person. My problem comes when I look at the troubles in places like the Middle East, the former Yugoslavia, India and Pakistan, Northern Ireland etc etc etc. As far as I am concerned people can have what beliefs they like, and use whatever name they choose for those beliefs, BUT those beliefs should not be the cause of trouble and strife within the world. During my life, in the Christian religion alone I have come across more than one holy Joe, who can see no further than the end of his nose on religious matters. They go to church every week and feel very righteous afterwards, but would turn their back on someone in genuine need, because they did not go to the same church. I am not generalising, I have met many such people. I have also met many atheists who are truly wonderful people , and they would do ANYONE a good turn. I believe that those people have a better God within them than the holy Joe's. Look at some of the top people in the major religions, and see their blinkered views on people who are different from them. Why do you think that attendance in the Churches is falling?

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You are right about one thing, that the spirit of God is within us. I don't claim that my religion is better than anyone else's and there are many like me. You have stated the obvious. Church attendances are falling in the Christian world and it's partly because of the hypocracy that ordinary people see around them. Human nature being what it is means that there'll always be some who think their way is right and their way is the only one. They want power for themselves and do it in the name of 'God.'

I have no time for the 'holier than thou brigade'

We are all human and full of faults but if we at least try to live by what the still small voice tells us then there would be no conflict in the name of religion.

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God is nothing more than a convenience (no not like a Gents). He/She/It is the carrot and the stick used by power hungry clerics to coerce the populace into submission, to the will of the cleric (who may well be in cahoots with other power hungry clerics or even power hungry non clerics). God is an "ism", like Conservatism, Socialism, Liberalism, which themselves are reward and punishment systems. It is all a belief system... which is based on just that..belief.

There is no proof that there is such a thing as Conservatism or Socialism or Communism. Our present little cherub has proved that. Similarly there is no proof of God (or even god).

What there is, is a hope, by the majority of the world population, that there must be a better way of doing things than the current one (at any point in history you wish to start from) and therefore a belief is started in anything which offers a chance of improvement. All the more so when it is promulgated that the believer has only to 'believe' and all things will be his. Providing he pays his party subscription, votes for the right people, joins the meek (waiting to inherit the earth) and gives generously to the fund to replace the lead on the church roof (and does not mention the fondness that the vicar has for little boys bottoms).

The world has millions of good people who without religeon or politics of any kind would live in perfect harmony. It is those who try to climb to the top of the heap (that they and their predecessors created) that initiate virtually all the world problems.

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You have summed up your feelings in a very clear and precise manner. My point is, that this is your view, others believe in God under one name or another. I have no doubt that you would not wish to kill or maim others because they disagree. This is where religion falls down. Although the vast majority of religious people are peace loving, they always seem prepared to follow their zealous bigoted leaders. This can be seen very near home in Northern Ireland, where catholic/protestant mobs have been televised lining the streets to harry small children of the opposite sect on their way to school. These are not just a few people but almost whole populations of a given sect in a given area. There is also regular trouble in the local Derby football matches in Glasgow, trouble along religious grounds, again a large number of people are involved.

Rangers versus Celtic

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Although the vast majority of religious people are peace loving, they always seem prepared to follow their zealous bigoted leaders.

I have always put this down to the fact that they have been "conditioned" in their upbringing and general education to "Believe" in the actual existence of a big carrot and a very big stick. It seems to me that as populations become more educated, and become less reliant on "leaders" for knowledge, so they question the "lead" that is given to them.

When the general population of England was illiterate, then the church could tell them the world was flat, the moon was made of green cheese and that the two sons of Adam and Eve fathered children (without wives?). However it was in the personal interest of the church's leaders to have more educated lay people (no, not that sort of lay), to do the more mundane tasks, and so they started educating the educatable plebs. Eventually the educated intelligent plebs could see through the charade, since they were "running with the hare and hunting with the hounds", and they became dissenters. Non conformism arose and education continued, as did the questioning of organised "isms" and "anities".

The sensible parts of "the teachings", about basic rules for living together in harmony, which are not really religion but are 'emphasised common sense', have been incorporated into common law and into the minds of educated people.

Sadly, over the last half century, the quality of education has plummeted. Certainly more people than ever before are running around with educational qualifications, but many of these certificates are the type that are printed on a long roll of paper, which is place on a roller behind the college door, to be torn off and handed to the studant as he goes though it on his last day there.

With this decline in education and the many false values promoted intentionally or inadvertently by our ever worsening education system the "isms" and the "anities" are regaining hold due to the populace needing to find answers outside of themselves, and hence we are certainly harvesting the fruits of the seeds that have been sown.

I do go on, don't I?

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