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Cooking Fish a Novel Way


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In another post I mentioned having rainbow trout for dinner.


What I didn't mention was that I cooked the trout sprinkled with lemon juice in a tightly wrapped parcel of foil in the dishwasher set to a high temperature wash.  Not using a wash tablet of course - just clean hot water.

Paying an estimated £0.18 on electricity (According to our Smart Meter) to get perfectly cooked fish is no big deal. Not only that it helps with timing - you know exactly when the fish is ready and it is a non-supervised timed process.

I picked up the idea when living in the Middle East - a lot of expats used the method to cook whole fish for dinner parties where it was placed on a salver in the middle of the table and guests helped themselves. The most popular fish - and the most expensive - was called Hamour. The fish was about 20 cm diameter and roughly 80 cm long and the dishwasher method cooked all the meat succulently and evenly throughout the fish.  The prized part was a thick rim of flesh around its eyes. There were those who ate the eyes as well - but that always made me grimace.




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My favourite way is to pour on an undiluted can of Campbell’s cream of asparagus,or cream of celery soup. Put the skinned fillets in an unseated oven an turn up to 180 Celsius. This lets the whole contents warm up slowly. Fourty minutes later serve with spuds, peas and sweetcorn.

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