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I am surprised there has been no reaction on here this morning to last night's interesting prog. on ch4.

Some fairly significant scientists were presenting quite a different view of the whole scene. It seems that various governments around the world are pouring in vast quantities of money to "prove" carbon dioxide is the cause, whilst totally ignoring existing long term evidence that it isn't. The UN is also involved in this deception, even tampering with scientific reports that do not fully suport the myth.

One of the founders of Greenpeace had some very interesting things to say.


Does anyone know of a good finger checker that will work along side a spullchickker.

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The trouble is that we cannot know whether this Global Warming is a massive swindle or not. I have my doubts though whether the theory is an exercise in keeping the world in fear of climate change simply to promote funding for scientists' research. Of course the sun is the predominate feature of our (the world's) climate but the increase in industrial activity and the world's population does seem to be having a detrimental effect on natures balance of the environment.

Al in all, though, will all our chatter about carbon footprints, the conservation of energy, recycling, the greening of our existance make any difference?


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I have long been suspicious of most pronouncements by politicians and do gooders, though I disguise it well !!.

When management said she was going to watch it I was inclined to say something to the effect that I did not want to be swamped with a lot more bovine excrement, but when she switched on I thought I would just have a peep, to confirm my suspicions.

I watched the entire programme. I am most sad that we did not record it, because it had so much stuff in it that was mind bogglingly outrageous.

All the experts were known experts in their field, not just faces. Some of them had been members of the UNCC team. They were from various countries and specialisations but their combined expertise was awesome. They used the same existing research data that has been used by the proponents of the doomsday prophecy, but by interpreting the data using "objective" science rather than the commercial "subjective" science, they proved that the increase in carbon dioxide was produced by global warming rather than the other way round. They were also able, by their methods, to explain the anomalies that subjective science has discarded as "irrelevant".

I have just been looking around to see if there was a copy of the programme available on C4 website but I could not find one, but I did find the above link, that some members might find interesting.

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The earth cycle thing is in history, one of the things that the Romans came over for was our wine. Also in the seventys when we had some cold weather for a few years the scientists said we were going into an ice age. Now it's warmed up a bit it's global warming, they must think we are all gullible idiots.

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  • 1 month later...

Anything that makes us think about looking after our planet has got to be a good thing, whether global warming is being caused by our lack of care for this earth or not... I don't know, I'm not a scientist.

What I do know is that we only have one Earth, and when it's gone it's gone.

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Anything that makes us think about looking after our planet has got to be a good thing, whether global warming is being caused by our lack of care for this earth or not... I don't know, I'm not a scientist.

What I do know is that we only have one Earth, and when it's gone it's gone.

Good. Right to the point.


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Anything that makes us think about looking after our planet has got to be a good thing, whether global warming is being caused by our lack of care for this earth or not... I don't know, I'm not a scientist.

What I do know is that we only have one Earth, and when it's gone it's gone.

We have to stop piling up the rubbish and recycle more, and also stop breeding like rabbits, or we will all stand knee deep in our own excrement. It's about time that old men with no history of relationships with women and families, stopped telling the world to prduce babies as though they are going out of fashion.

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Of course we have 'Global Warming' it's a part of the natural cycle of the earths existence, there is nothing we can do about it or the 'Ice Age' that will naturally follow. even though the cycle may be millions or billions of years per cycle.

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What I do know is that we only have one Earth, and when it's gone it's gone

heh.... more like ...we are gone ...the earth will still be here ...!

anybody see the science of superstorms tonight ...?

there was a brazen suggestion that the UK governemnt were running cloud seeding experiment's in the next county over just hours before the Lynmouth floods (which killed 32 people )


Apparently it was shut down the next day and filed under the official secrets act .

hmmm found this ....not new news perhaps ....but not widley known ..?

Classified documents on the trials have gone missing, but people involved have told their story for the BBC Radio Four's Document programme


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Global warminng? Yes, it is indeed happening.

Is it naturally cyclical or man made? No one has the absolute answer. However, some say that if is man made then there is nothing we can do at this point to reverse it. :0

That said.............I believe we need to find non carbon based energy sources. Wind, sun and water are Mother Nature's gift to us and hold the power beyond what nuclear energy offers. This will also free us from the Middle East hold on oil. We also need to hold new world Countries like China to those same standards (the problem with Kyoto).

I doubt our generation (baby boomers and beyond) will see a solution in our lifetime. I hope the new generations (working with us old farts) work hard to find solutions to break our dependance on coal and oil and find the solution to a clean environment for everyone.

In the mean time we need to do our part by reducing our energy consumption in simple ways...............flourescent bulbs, shutting off lights when not needed and recycling.

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Global warminng? Yes, it is indeed happening.

Is it naturally cyclical or man made? No one has the absolute answer. However, some say that if is man made then there is nothing we can do at this point to reverse it. :0

That said.............I believe we need to find non carbon based energy sources. Wind, sun and water are Mother Nature's gift to us and hold the power beyond what nuclear energy offers. This will also free us from the Middle East hold on oil. We also need to hold new world Countries like China to those same standards (the problem with Kyoto).

I doubt our generation (baby boomers and beyond) will see a solution in our lifetime. I hope the new generations (working with us old farts) work hard to find solutions to break our dependance on coal and oil and find the solution to a clean environment for everyone.

In the mean time we need to do our part by reducing our energy consumption in simple ways...............flourescent bulbs, shutting off lights when not needed and recycling.

Sensible post. Regarding fossil fuels, we still have billions of tons of coal in the UK, and the technology is there now to use it cleanly. In fact it has been around for some years, but was at one time too expensive to use. I suspect that now may be the time to look into this further.

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...............flourescent bulbs,

I am not so sure about these energy saving fluorescent bulbs. The flicker seems harmful to the eyes and I read in the Sunday papers that emanations from them conflict with remote TV and other controls causing them to misfunction.

We can't have that, can we? Getting up to change channels! What is the world coming to?


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...............flourescent bulbs,

I am not so sure about these energy saving fluorescent bulbs. The flicker seems harmful to the eyes and I read in the Sunday papers that emanations from them conflict with remote TV and other controls causing them to misfunction.

We can't have that, can we? Getting up to change channels! What is the world coming to?


Good exercise. :D

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I went to a local discount store yesterday morning to see 2 grossly overweight people (a father and his teenage daughter) waddle to their car parked in the handicapped zone. They had a sticker to make it legal but one would think they should start parking a mile away from the store to burn off that fat! :0

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I went to a local discount store yesterday morning to see 2 grossly overweight people (a father and his teenage daughter) waddle to their car parked in the handicapped zone. They had a sticker to make it legal but one would think they should start parking a mile away from the store to burn off that fat! :0

We couldn't believe the size of some of the people in California. There seems to be two distinct types there. people with thighs larger than my waist measurement, and I am slightly over weight, and the super fit, who seem to spend almost all day exercising. Both types were way OTT at one extreme or the other.

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