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Heartfelt public apology


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Some of them bear the hallmarks of Google translate others show signs of a T-shirt maker with an evil sense of humour knowing full well that the buyers can't read the shirt and as they don't speak the language wouldn't understand if they did. There are quite a few amusing yet rude ones I haven't posted as Irene would delete them tout de suite. I'm quite convinced there are any number of trendy white folks wondering around with Kanji print shirts that say stuff like "Dim white knobhead" convinced that they're wearing some deep meaningful Buddhist tract .

Then there are the ones that simply make no sense at all they're not rude or amusing, they just appear to be a random selection of English words and maybe a picture.


One of the buzz phrases used by today's apologists trying to prove how right on they are is "Cultural Misappropriation" wear a sombrero  "Cultural Misappropriation", put your hair in dreads "Cultural Misappropriation" sing in a foreign language "Cultural Misappropriation". Now the Japanese don't seem to give a toss, they frequently add Engrish lyrics to songs and as often as not they don't necessarily translate that well, for example:-

"Crazy shouting, Crazy shouting, do it upside down."

Which is a genuine lyric from one of my favourite bands, it just doesn't make a lot of sense.

I'm more in tune with the Japanese approach on this one.

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Do you think a poster with " Crazy shouting, do it upside down."  would further the cause of unilateral isolationism were  a series of them displayed along the length of the A1 from The Houses of Parliament to a week next Thursday.

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I'm with andsome on this. I refuse to wear any clothes which bear writing or logos. If Nike, or any other brand, want me to be a walking advert for them they need to pay me handsomely.


I also do not allow the dealer to adorn the rear window of my car with any stickers. 

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I wanted a cap some years ago to keep the sun out of my eyes while playing bowls. A local shop wanted £12 or so for one with a company name on it. When I queried the price he said it was a designer cap. I informed him that someone designs the sensibly priced ones too. I got  one from the army and navy stores for less that £4. I hate the word designer when applied to over price articles. 

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